Jeremy Lee
Where are you from in NZ?
Palmerston North
Where are you currently living?
London, UK
How long have you been living here?
A long time now …… 21 years!
What is your current profession and who are you working for?
Partner and Head of Trading at Hobart Capital Markets
I also own a Smoky Chilli Oil business I am trying to develop and grow.
Tell us what it is like where you are living?
Life is definitely a lot different this year! I have been working from home since April which is something I never envisaged but it has been amazing getting to spend more time at home to see more of my 2 year old daughter and her development.
What have you done for fun/entertainment throughout Covid and the lockdown?
With a young daughter and dog at home there is always something to be done but mainly out for walks in all the various parks and commons we have all around us and when we were allowed during summer small groups over for BBQ’s
Are there any particular challenges throughout this period that stand out for you?
We were in New Zealand when lockdown happened and therefore got stranded there for about 4 weeks during which time I had to set up office in NZ and work usual UK market hours so approx. 4pm until 4am NZ time which wasn’t pleasant. Also trying to get back to the UK was extremely challenging due not only to international flights, for which prices were outrageous, but also domestic travel restrictions/cancellations within NZ. When we arrived back home the UK had also gone into lockdown so trying to get food for the house proved difficult as a lot of online grocery companies had stopped taking on new customers and we were self-isolating. Sam, my wife, works in hospitality and lost her Operations Director role while we were in NZ and with the whole industry over here getting battered she has found it very difficult to find work, which again gives us more challenges to deal with. We are now in our second lockdown here in the UK and the main challenge is trying to entertain our 2 yo daughter day in day out but my wife does an amazing job.
Beer or wine?
Probably lean more towards wine these days but I still enjoy a cold beer
Choice of takeaway?
Always been partial to a good Chinese but I enjoy most Asian cuisines
Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?
Depending on what areas of life but probably more of a gatherer as I get older
What inspires you?
On a daily basis my daughter but also people living life to their fullest
What is the most useless talent you have?
Juggling not that I am actually very good at it …
What is your favourite place in the world, and why?
This is a tough one, I have been lucky enough to travel to many amazing places!
Vietnam and Cambodia were great and it’s also where I proposed to my wife so it holds special memories. Richard Branson’s Necker island is up there and also going on a Safari in South Africa for our honeymoon was amazing.
What is your funniest travel story?
Too many to narrow it down or my memory is just getting to bad as I get older!
If there was one thing you could recommend to someone about to go on there OE, what would it be?
Be prepared but also to be open to new things, getting immersed in the local surroundings and way of life.
What is something that people don‘t know about you?
I originally came to the UK as a trained chef / restaurateur.
Do you have plans on moving back to NZ?
At some stage yes I would love to move back to NZ and the whole Covid situation has definitely made me consider my options more.
What home comfort do you miss the most?
Friends and family, food, the kiwi way of life in general and watching NZ rugby at a decent hour of the day!